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Although very few people probably know about its usefulness, nevertheless, Magnesium is a critical element that is absolutely essential for mental and physical benefits. Vegetables or nuts as well as whole grains are suppliers of magnesium in abundance which should be part of your regular diet without miss. Often most of you might not be able to track the amount of magnesium you are consuming through diet which is why magnesium supplements have made it much easier for you to keep your body in track with the desired magnesium levels. Potassium is another important element which is critical for the body’s growth and overall health. Potassium magnesium citrate is one such must have in your diet and here are few things you need to consider before its intake.
Determine what your requirement is
It is important to know that having this element in your diet ensures all the body functions are performed properly such as –
Absorption is important
It is not easy to digest and absorb high levels of this protein promoter. There are some factors which generally limit its absorption such as –
Plan out your bodily requirement
Age, gender along with other factors determine the amount of intake you should go with. For males while the daily required dosage is around 420 mg, for females it is a tad bit lower – around 300 mg. Here are some steps you can take to understand the requirement
How to understand what’s the requirement
Lack of the necessary protein can cause the following symptoms if your body lacks it over a longer period of time –
Although there are a lot of supplements in the market that can provide you with the necessary amounts of potassium magnesium citrate, it is always a better idea to derive the necessary element from food directly. By maintaining a regular and disciplined diet with food rich in potassium and magnesium, you may be able to fight the above problems. Food like nuts, especially almonds, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, tofu, tuna fish, leafy vegetables such as spinach or kale leaves are daily essentials not to miss from your diet at all. Chocolate, cocoa powder and bananas work magic as well.