Potassium Iodide

Molecular Structure

Product Image

Uses of Product

It is sometimes used for iodimation of table salt.It is used as sourece for iodine, as an antiseptic. It is also an ingredient in baby formula milk.

Technical Details
CAS No 7758-05-6
Mol. Formul KIO3
Mol. Weigh 214.02
Category Topical Antiseptic & Source of Iodine
Description White crystalline powder
Solubility Soluble in water; insoluble in ethanol
Clarity & colour of solution 5 % solution is clear and colourless
pH of 5 % solution Between 5 and 8
Chloride, Chlorate, Bromide, Bromate Passes as per Pharmacopoeia
Iodide Passes as per Pharmacopoeia
Sulphate Passes as per pharmacopoeia
Heavy metals Passes as per Pharmacopoeia
Loss on drying / Water Not more than 0.5 % w/w
Assay Between 99 and 101 % w/w

Standard Packing: 25 KG Fibre Drum / HDPE Drum with double inner polythene bag